Week of Workouts

I’m just 1 person who usually sticks to inside workouts. In addition to the workouts listed below that I did in my home, I got some steps in this week by walking outside with a friend. 

Even before the pandemic, I wasn’t a huge fan of the outside. The outside has people and allergens and sun and weather. The outside doesn’t have the things I often need during a workout, like a towel or water bottle or music or a shower. The outside also has people who will see me looking winded and red in the face as I exercise. It seemed like way too much effort to get ready for something I don’t particularly like doing (being seen working out). But I’m also not going to say no to helping keep a friend accountable toward her fitness goals. 

I have to admit it’s a nice change of pace to take walks outside. I enjoy the fresh air and seeing all the dogs in my friend’s neighborhood. And getting additional steps toward my FitBit goal is definitely an added bonus. I’m still nowhere near winning the Workweek Hustle challenges I’m in, but at least I have respectable numbers to show. 

If given the choice, I much prefer my daily workouts in the privacy of my home. So I kept them up this week despite my walks outside. I consider walking to be a bonus. And it’s a bonus I definitely need this week as I’ve been eating a lot of carb-heavy foods. 

My Week of Workouts

Total:  205 minutes

Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash

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