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Week of Workouts

I’m just 1 person working out consistently. This week on my blog, I’m posting a lot about bullet journaling, so I thought I would share with you an example of my bujo workout tracker. Here is my March 2020 workout page:

I color-code my workouts based on length to encourage myself to do workouts of at least 20 minutes or more each day. In each calendar square, I name the workout or exercise, note its length, indicate what weights I used, and mark if it was new-to-me. A checkmark to the right indicates that I hit my minimum goal of working out at least 20 minutes for 3 days in a week.

I also keep track of totals so I can compare from one month to the next. At the bottom, I list any specific goals I might have. In the example above, I pushed myself to work out every day of a week with longer workouts, and I also wanted to exceed the highest week total from February, which was 165 minutes. I will sometimes also list a reward for myself if I need extra motivation for a month or if the goals I set for a month are especially high. After making workouts a habit, I don’t really need rewards much any more.

My Week of Workouts

Total: 223 minutes

Photo by Amber Weir on Unsplash

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