February Fitness Challenge Has Started

I’m just 1 person ready to take on the February Fitness Challenge! How about you? Have you chosen a goal yet? There are so many reasons to spend some time this month on improving your fitness abilities, and this challenge lets you choose the goal that’s right for you.

My Challenge Goal

I already work out daily and am slowly stepping up the difficulty and total minutes. As you can see from my Week of Workouts posts, I rely heavily on YouTube videos to guide me during my workouts, and I live in fear that my favorites will some day be deleted. So my goal this month is to finally save all of my favorite workout videos to my computer and organize them in a way that will let me find them when needed. 

This is something that has been on my To Do list since July 2020, and due to the death of my computer and the musical chairs that caused, this kept slipping so far down the list that it’s now colored red and overdue. February 2021 will be the month when I finally do it! I’ve broken down my goal into smaller, manageable tasks and am ready to knock it out of the park. I hope you’ll join the challenge if you haven’t already to help me stay accountable. 

Your Challenge Goal

It’s not too late to choose a goal and join in! Make this the month that you try a couch to 5K program or you improve the time you can hold a plank. Make this the month when you try a new type of workout or dust off the exercise bike that’s been gathering dust for a year. Make this the month that you spend a little time improving your physical fitness.

Fill out the short form below and you’ll be automatically added to the challenge emails (4 each month; the first went out yesterday). You can also download a helpful worksheet to assist you in setting and keeping up with your goal by donating to me on Ko-Fi.  

What fitness goal will you be working on this month?

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