I know that the idea of a goal about goals or a challenge about challenges is a bit meta, but this month will give you time to think about things you want to get done in the future! Start by considering your commitments and time management choices currently. This month’s challenge gives you the opportunity to think about what dreams you could turn into realistic, actionable goals. Choose what sort of challenge is right for you right now, whether it’s focusing your daily to do tasks or adding to a list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket.
My Challenge Goal
In my previous post, I discussed how I enjoy participating in the 101 Things in 1001 Days challenge. My fifth list comes to an end on April 4. So I will be building my sixth 101 Things in 1001 Days list, creating a new workbook for myself, and starting my next round of this project. I will also be taking part in Camp NaNoWriMo, a monthly writing (or in my case, editing) challenge.
Your Challenge Goal
It’s not too late to choose a goal and join in! Make this the month that you challenge yourself with a new challenge. Make this the month when you revise your resolutions. Make this the month that you build your bucket list.
Fill out the short form below and you’ll be automatically added to the challenge emails (4 each month; the first went out yesterday). You can also download a helpful worksheet to assist you in setting and keeping up with your goal by donating to me on Ko-Fi.
What goal-setting goal will you be working on this month?