My Journey with Pride

I’m just 1 person on a constantly evolving journey toward pride. I could fill a book with the search for myself, though by the time I finished the book, I likely would have discovered new things about myself I would want to include. My understanding of my gender and sexuality grows as more terms are…

June Pride Challenge Has Started

I’m just 1 person ready to take on the June Pride Challenge! How about you? Have you chosen a goal yet? This challenge lets you choose the goal that’s right for you, so fill it with as many or as few rainbows, glitter, and unicorns as you would like. My Challenge Goal For the past…

Month of Reading

I’m just 1 person who is constantly chasing my annual reading goal. I set an ambitious goal of 150 books this year on Goodreads. For the past 3 years, my goal has been 125 books, and it was just 100 books a year before that. But I have consistently read more than my goal; in…